›March 19, 2006

not cool at all, I'd say.

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▼以前から楽しみにしていた、"A History of Violence"を観てきました。

なんか映画館で、Viggo MortensenとMaria Belloの来日時の生写真をくれました。…いらんわ^^;

David Cronenbergの他の作品に比べたら描写はおとなしめな感じでしょうか。William Hurtは、悪人役は全然ピンときませんね。この役でアカデミー賞にノミネートされた理由が全くわかりません。善人顔ですからね、善人役に徹してください(笑)。

David Cronenbergはきっと人間的に歪んでるんでしょうね(笑)。彼の映画を観る度に同じ感想を抱いてしまうんですが。


▼Okay, I saw this ad of a Japanese pop group today, right? Cracked me up.

Janne Da Arc

I mean, COME ON!!
Apparently these guys meant "Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc)", right? I don't know why anyone would name a band after her in the first place, but guys, you really shoulda checked your spelling before going public man.

I don't want to make anyone(especially the fans) upset but, I'd say they could be one of the most pathetic pop band I know. There, I said it.

I wonder if anyone ever had the guts to go up to them and say,

"You misspelled your name, dude..."

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